A Century of Tradition
J C “Jock” Belfrage
"Jock" as he was known to everyone In the English-speaking community, was an Edinburgh born chartered accountant who came to Sao Paulo shortly before the start of the "14-18" War to join McAuffife, Davis, Bell & Co. (now Arthur Andersen & Co.). The manager in Brazil at that time was another Scot, John Bell, and when he left in the 20’s, Jock took over and during his reign as manager, built up an excellent accounting practice here.
He served the Society well and over a long period, being a Founding Member an Honorary Auditor for eight years, President in 1933 and ex-oficio Committee Member in 1934. He was elected to the Committee again in 1949 and "chaired” the 1947 Banquet which was organised before the Society started operating again after the war. He was also the Society's elected representative on the advisory Committee of the British Benevolent Fund set up in 1940 at HBM's C-G's request.
Some of the old-timers recall that Jock was the person chiefly responsible for the visits to São Paulo of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders' Band when they went to Buenos Aires for the British Exhibition there in 1931. When first they passed through Santos in March that year and were brought to Sao Paulo, they marched from the Largo Sao Francisco across the Viaduto do Chá with pipes and drums playing, led by Capt. Fairfax Lucy, to give a concert to packed lunchtime crowds in front of the Teatro Municipal , and at least one person present on that memorable day vividly remembers the short, plump figure of Jock Belfrage, our tenth President, marching along proudly at their head. Jock had a great sense of humour, and it is minuted under the heading "Education" that at the Annual General Meeting in 1934 he solemnly proposed that "as the geographical education of many members of the Anglo American Club ,seemed to have been sadly neglected, the Committee should take steps to purchase a good map of Scotland for presentation to the Club”.
During the last war Jock was treasurer of the Red Cross effort in São Paulo. He retired in the `50’s and lived with his wife in the south of England until his death a few years ago.